T-Safe Software protection Envelope with T-Safe Dongle

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Piracy of software through reverse engineering and simulation is one ACP_PDF 2_file_documentof the major concerns for software developers across the world.

T-Safe Software protection envelopes with T-Safe Dongle allows vendor to licence his

TSafe Dongle For Software Licensing

software using dongle based protection i.e., the software will work only when the authorized  user dongle given by the vendor is attached.



Available for Windows  windows_logo

Certification: FCC_logo CE_logo RoHS_logo

How it works:

T-Safe_EL The protection works on virtual drive technology and runs your software from virtual drive through a launcher. This ensures that files of your software are not accessible to users ensuring that they cannot try to crack them.
Your software and all related files will be placed inside a cabinet file which will be AES 256 encrypted.

T-Safe provides four types of licensing (protection) options:

  1. Dongle

    In this type of protection the software will work only with dongle.

  2. Dongle + Expiry

    In this type of protection, the software will work only with dongle for a specified time period.

  3. Dongle + Machine ID

    In this type of protection program will work only on one computer with dongle.

  4. Dongle + Machine ID + Expiry

    In this type of protection program will work on one machine for a specified time period with dongle.

  • T-Safe secures software by keeping it in an AES 256 encrypted virtual drive.
    Available for all versions of windows, Linux, Mac.
  •  Virtual drive is mounted as z-drive in windows and as a folder in mac-os and linux.
  • The TSafe launcher tool runs protected software from virtual drive / folder.
  • TSafe is implemented without any modification in source code.
  • As original software resides in a virtual drive, it is accessible only through
    T-Safe launcher and hence user do not get hold of original files making reverse engineering impossible.

Sometimes, you may also need to enable virtualization on your computer manually, to run this tool, Click on this link for detailed information.


Who can use TSafe
  1. Software Developers
  2. Educational Content Developers
  3. Marriage Video Project Developers
  4. For monetizing or commercial distribution of any file format.

For more detailed description on T-Safe Software Protection you can download the pdf file file from here.


T-Safe Software protection with USB dongle 
 Operation of T-Safe Software Protection  Click Here
T-Safe Software Protection Tool help file ACP_PDF 2_file_document

Price: Click For T-Safe Price

Warranty 1 year
Payment Terms 100% advance
For Payment Click here